Mziwamadoda Qalaba
Director Technical and Community Services

Personal Assistant
to the Director Technical Services

Raquel Grootboom
042 288 7237

Water and Sanitation
The municipality is managing five Waste Water Treatment Plants and five Water
Treatment Works. Where necessary tanker services are used to collect sewage, it is
then disposed at the nearest Waste Water Treatment Works. The management and
maintenance of all our Treatment Works is to ensure that our community receives
water of high quality which is safe for human consumption.


    • To provide a water/sewage management system for all areas in Koukamma Municipality with laid down Standard Operating procedures
    • Water and Sanitation also have to comply with the Blue Drop and Green Drop national compliance as per goals set annually by National Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) for administration, safety, risk analysis, drinking and final effluent.
    • Routine maintenance with available funding (e.g. pipe replacement programs) of the water and sewage infrastructure.
    • Quick reaction to pipe burst and to repair within five hours
    • Replacement of water meters which are defective as soon as possible
    • To ensure the Waste Water Treatment and Water Treatment plants is fully operational and that the standards of operations are as prescribes in the National Water Act, Act 36 of 1998.
    • Replacing broken pipes, fire hydrants, valves as part of the maintenance programs
    • Installing new infrastructure as per funding from Provincial Government

Waste Management
Provision of basic services: cleaning, collecting and waste disposal. We aim to
enhance the general wellness of the community and environment.


  • To insure a reliable and sustainable solid waste service to the community at the lowest cost by cleaning, collecting and removal of waste in Towns
  • To improve recycling so that it becomes second nature to everyone
  • To render a waste removal service to all in our communities
  • Doing awareness programs in our community, schools and other organizations to improve recycling
  • Running of clean sustainable transfers stations as well as drop-offs
  • Cleaning of sidewalks and culverts
  • Rendering a service to remove garden refuse and green waste to the old dumpsites
  • Removing weekly the household refuse as well as recycling bags and green waste bags


Koukamma Municipality is responsible for the maintenance and rehabilitation of the
Municipal roads and Storm Water within the Koukamma area.


  • To provide sufficient storm water and road maintenance and maintain the infrastructure in good operational condition for the users
  • To provide a storm water management system for all areas in Koukamma
  • Municipality with laid down Standard Operating procedures
  • Routine maintenance with available funding (e.g. patching & resurfacing) of the roads and street infrastructure.
  • Unblocking of storm water drainage system in advance to insure a clean and working storm water system.
  • Replacement of missing manhole covers as soon as possible
  • Cleaning of storm water system and culverts monthly
  • Replacing broken pipes, manhole slabs and covers
  • Installing new storm water systems as per annual budged

Koukamma Municipality ensures a safe, effective, economical and continued supply
of electricity within the Koukamma area. We manage and maintain electrical
infrastructure to ensure that there is minimum interruptions in electricity supply.

Ongoing activities include:

  • Repairs to street lighting,
  • New household and Business cable connections,
  • Repairs to existing distribution cables on low voltage networks and medium voltage networks,
  • delivering after-hours electrical standby services


  • Maintenance of electrical assets, infrastructure and equipment
  • Management of service interruptions and quality of electrical supply
  • Delivering support to other Municipal Departments internally
  • Interacting with various role-players and customers on electrical issues within the municipal area
  • Management and implementation of new electrical infrastructure and installations
  • Monitoring and management of subsidized housing connected to the public distribution network
  • Management and recording of electrical losses and enforcement of remedial losses